Who We Are

Meliora Bio is a modern state of the art biorefinery upcycling straw for bioethanol, prebiotics, and lignin. The refinery was built by Ørsted in 2009, and since 2020 it has been a part of Karsten Ree Holding. Under the current ownership, the plant has seen very significant reconstruction and expansion to meet demands and ambitions for continuous innovation.

What We Do

Staff, competencies, and functions

We are a dedicated, professional, and versatile team. We have succeeded in striking the right balance between academic and hands-on skills and competencies ranging from product innovation, project development and execution to plant operation, lab analysis and maintenance.


  • The biorefinery in Kalundborg was built in 2008/09 by Ørsted (former DONG) as the first operating plant in the world producing advanced biofuels (second generation biofuel) from straw. At the time, the plant was known as “Inbicon”, and that name is still owned by Ørsted.
  • The biorefinery’s previous owner decided to cease its operation in 2014.
  • Karsten Ree Holding then negotiated to take-over the refinery in 2019/20. The ownership was transferred on April 1st. 2020. Thereafter the plant was renamed to RE Energy.
  • Immediately after this, a part of the biorefinery (fermentation and distillation) was put into operation, and took on non-profit manufacturing of sanitary ethanol for hospitals and public institutions due to the Covid situation. The production was organised by the Danish Police with support from the Carlsberg and Novo foundation, RE Energy and Ørsted.
  • After more than 2 million litres of sanitary ethanol were produced, this production ceased in the late summer of 2020.
  • Later that same year, RE Energy entered into an agreement with Comet Bio to produce raw material for Comet’s production of a pre-biotic food ingredience (Arabinoxylan). Early in 2021, reconstruction of the Bio refinery commenced, focussing on preparing the future production as well as solving the operational problems which the plant had experienced during its first production period from 2009 to 2014.
  • Late in 2021, RE Energy and Comet Bio entered into a shared project to establish a separate factory to undertake the actual production of the pre-Biotic ingredience, and construction of the building commenced in December 2021.
  • The production in the biorefinery is expected to commence late in the summer of 2022, and the ingredient factory will followed in the second quarter of 2023.


We thrive on and are motivated by product innovation, technology development and incremental improvements that support sustainable product development, green energy transition, reduced CO2 footprint and the reduction of energy consumption. We continuously search globally for exciting new technologies and ideas, which we as a company can rally behind and help bring to market.

Environmental Policy

Meliora Bio aims to develop and produce products from sustainable biomass in accordance with clients’, consumers’ and society’s expectations for environmentally friendly, green and sustainable products.

  • We commit to act in accordance with environmental legislation and environmental- and wastewater permits.
  • We commit to organizing our work in a way, which ensures that our environmental obligations are met.
  • We commit to protecting the environment and the natural resources through the use of environmentally friendly technology based on biological processes in our production.
  • We commit to minimizing our consumption of raw materials, water and energy, the main environmental aspects of our work. And in addition, to minimize how we affect the environment continuously and in the long run through incremental improvements and the use of management by objectives.
  • We aim to build and maintain an environmental management system, which continuously meets the requirements of our sustainability certifications and comply with and achieve ISO 14001 certification and comply with this legislation and its binding obligations.
  • We will extend the understanding of the demands, which the company operates in compliance with to our employees and involve them in continuously improving technology and work processes to improve our environmental impact on our surroundings.
  • Meliora Bio commits to consider environmental impact in the company’s strategic decisions and priorities and remain a member of Kalundborg symbiose.
  • We will support our products by ensuring that our environmental policy has been communicated and is trustworthy, conscious, functional, measureable and lasting.



Quality Policy

Our Quality Management System ensures, that we continuously improve our performance and fulfil clients’ expectations as well as compliance and regulatory demands. Product safety is one of our top priorities.

We deliver products, which can function safely as ingredients in consumer products, and we are uncompromising, when it comes to safety.

  • Use and examination of documented quality- and product safety control systems
    We examine our documented quality- and product safety control systems to ensure continuous improvement in all links of our value chain. We implement and uphold the food safety certification (ISO 22000) which is requested by our clients.
  • Risk Control
    We operate in accordance with the demands from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and the ISO 22000 standard in order to prevent potential hazards from raw materials, packaging, manufacturing process and final product.
  • Traceability and Product Warnings
    Our product is completely traceable. We deal swiftly with product warnings in order to minimize potential negative consequences and prevent more significant crises related to quality.
  • Audit
    We audit and monitor to ensure that our business processes are conducted in accordance with agreed procedures.
  • Employee Participation
    Our employees contribute significantly to ensuring the safety and quality of our products, and we continuously provide the tools and training, which ensures the necessary skills and abilities for them to do so.
  • Communication
    We communicate continuously and proactively about product safety to our employees and stakeholders.
  • Control
    Our quality policy is implemented in Meliora Bia through positions and procedures in our quality control system, which is stored in a version controlled it-system.
  • Quality Strategy
    As part of Meliora Bio’s Quality Strategy, yearly targets for food safety and quality are identified, so that we can continuously improve our performance.



Miljøpolitik (Da)

Meliora – Bio vil producere og udvikle produkter af bæredygtig biomasse i overensstemmelse med kundernes, forbrugernes og samfundets forventninger til miljøvenlige, grønne og bæredygtige produkter.

  • Vi forpligter os til at overholde miljølovgivningen og miljø- og spildevandstilladelser.
  • Vi forpligter os til at organisere arbejdet, så det sikres, at selskabets miljøkrav bliver overholdt.
  • Vi forpligter os til at beskytte miljøet og de naturlige ressourcer ved at anvende miljøvenlig teknologi baseret på biologiske processer i vores produktion.
  • Vi forpligter os til at minimere vores forbrug af råvarer, vand og energi, som er vores væsentlige miljøforhold.
    Og desuden til at minimere miljøpåvirkning, kontinuerligt og på lang sigt ved løbende forbedringer og gennem brug af målstyring.
  • Vi vil opbygge og vedligeholde et miljøstyringssystem, der til stadighed lever op til vores bæredygtighedscertificering og efterleve og opnå certificering i ISO 14001 og leve op til denne lovgivning og bindende forpligtigelser.
  • Vi vil udbrede kendskabet til de krav, som selskabet opererer under til medarbejderne og involvere dem i arbejdet med løbende at forbedre teknologi og arbejdsprocesser for at forbedre vores miljømæssige påvirkning af vores omgivelser.
  • Meliora-Bio forpligter sig til at indtænke miljøpåvirkninger i selskabets strategiske beslutninger og
    vedvarende at være en del af Kalundborg symbiose.
  • Vi vil understøtte vores produkter ved at miljøpolitikken er kommunikeret, troværdig, bevidst, funktionel, målbar og vedvarende.



Kvalitetspolitik (Da)

Vores kvalitetsstyringssystem sikrer, at vi løbende forbedrer vores præstationer og opfylder kundernes forventninger og kravene i lovgivningen. Produktsikkerhed er en af vores topprioriteter.

Vi leverer produkter, der sikkert kan indgå som ingredienser i forbrugerprodukter, og vi går ikke på kompromis med produkternes sikkerhed.

  • Brug og gennemgang af dokumenterede kvalitets- og produktsikkerhedsstyringssystemer
    Vi gennemgår vores dokumenterede kvalitets- og produktsikkerhedsstyringssystemer for at sikre løbende forbedringer i alle faser af vores værdikæde. Vi implementer og opretholder den fødevaresikkerhedscertificering(ISO 22000), som vores kunder efterspørger.
  • Risikokontrol
    Vi arbejder efter fødevarestyrelsens krav og ISO 22000 standarden for at forhindre potentielle farer fra råvarer, emballage, fremstillingsproces og færdigt produkt.
  • Sporbarhed og produktadvarsler
    Vores produkt er 100 pct. sporbart. Vi håndterer produktalarmer hurtigt for at minimere potentielle negative påvirkninger og forhindre større kvalitetskriser.
  • Audit
    Vi auditerer for at sikre, at vores forretningsprocesser udføres i overensstemmelse med aftalte procedurer.
  • Medarbejderindflydelse
    Vores medarbejdere bidrager til at sikre vores produkters kvalitet og sikkerhed, og vi sørger løbende for, at de har de værktøjer og den træning, som sikrer de nødvendige færdigheder.
  • Kommunikation
    Vi kommunikerer løbende og proaktivt om produktsikkerhed til medarbejdere og interessenter.
  • Styring
    Kvalitetspolitikken implementeres i Meliora-Bio via positioner og procedurer i vores kvalitetsstyringssystem, som er gemt i et versionsstyret IT-system.
  • Kvalitetsstrategi
    Som en del af Meliora-Bio ’s kvalitetsstrategi defineres årlige mål for fødevaresikkerhed og kvalitet, så vi sikrer løbende forbedringer.